Adult Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The Adult Program teaches basic principles of effective fighting to individuals like you. Its structure condenses an immense diversity of Jiu-Jitsu into core fundamental moves combined intelligently and safely to optimize your learning.


Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The Kids Program was created to provide children ages 3-15 with an environment that allows them to experience and understand core values like focus, discipline, persistence, cooperation and respect.


No GI Class

The NO GI class is a BJJ style in which you do not wear a GI uniform. This faster more high-paced grappling incorporates wrestling based take downs and utilizes Grapple techniques without the use the GI uniform to submit.

Adult Beginner Class


Grapple House has developed a unique program to help introduce you to the art of Jiu-Jitsu. Join our community to learn the most effective self-defense techniques and improve your fitness routine in a safe, challenging environment. One-time fee and get an inside look at the fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


BJJ Drilling Class

This is our favorite weekend activity. Different than a standard class, our Drilling Class is designed to practice techniques rapidly and get an amazing workout.


Muay Thai

Learn kick boxing skills from trained professionals while conditioning your strength and cardio.